A New Tool for HR File Management: How EverCraft Enhances Work Efficiency?

After years in the human resources field, I am well aware of its intricacies and complexities. Every day, I am faced with a vast array of tasks such as managing employee files, recruitment materials, and performance evaluations. In this era of information explosion, efficiently managing these documents and data has become a significant challenge in my work.

My company is a small-sized enterprise with a relatively high employee turnover rate. In the past, whenever I needed to access an employee's file, I would have to sift through piles of folders, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Additionally, due to the lack of effective version control, I often struggled with confusion regarding file versions, unable to determine which was the latest and which was outdated.

As the company is in a rapid growth phase, various rules, regulations, and common procedures are constantly being established and updated. However, not all updates are forward-moving; occasionally, we need to backtrack to find historical versions for modification or merging content. Especially in areas such as compensation and benefits, and employee performance regulations, adjustments are often made during quarterly reviews.

Truthfully, these tasks are not overly difficult but can be incredibly time-consuming, especially when searching for historical records or comparing differences. If I were interrupted by an urgent matter during this process, I would have to start the search and comparison from the beginning again.

A few months ago, a friend recommended EverCraft to me and even offered me an additional month's benefit. I decided to give it a try.

Firstly, I appreciate its commit function. I categorize the company's rules and regulations, as well as recruitment information for each department, into different projects. I can make changes freely and commit them once a week before the end of the workday. Recently, when some department heads requested specific versions of job descriptions or resumes, I was able to locate them effortlessly by switching to the corresponding commit based on the timestamp.

When I needed to summarize recent updates to our policies and procedures, the omparison function solved the issue instantly. It listed every updated file, and combined with my commit records, I was able to complete the task in 10 minutes, which previously took hours of searching.

Moreover, I love the Mini floating mode. It sits quietly in a corner like a desktop pet, unintrusive while I work on files. Before leaving work, I can glance at its status and commit with a quick shortcut if necessary. I never have to worry about file chaos anymore.

After using EverCraft, I have felt an unprecedented sense of ease and efficiency. I no longer need to spend significant time on document management and can focus more on core tasks such as recruitment, training, and performance evaluations.

Now, I am known among my colleagues as a "document management expert." Whenever someone encounters issues with document management, I enthusiastically recommend EverCraft. I believe this tool not only helps me better fulfill my human resources responsibilities but also brings a more efficient and convenient work experience to the entire team.